Saturday Sharing!
First from Christine Hollingsworth
'Just wanted say thanks to everyone who has participated in the services over the past few weeks.
I wrote this originally after the Easter Sunday services but it got lost somewhere or other. It has been helpful to know that although unable to meet together we can be as one in prayer and thought. It is eighty years since I was unable to go to my chapel. I remember a knock on the door, my Sunday school teacher, a Miss Allen was there to say the church had been bombed. We would be meeting in homes . Later we moved to a Scout hut until the schoolroom had been renovated. This is one of my first memories.
Mount View Methodist Church now...
And Morag has sent us some garden photos!
''We have started work on our small garden. I bought rosemary cuttings with me, and they have taken well. Our bay tree seems to have survived the move, though the small olive tree is not looking too happy.
And we have started composting; the quality of the garden soil here is not great.. yet.
Not many plants in the garden yet, but lots of potential.''
Here are two:
Lastly a video sent by Doreen Perry
Thanks for sharing! Keep sending your thoughts and shares in!