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In His word I put my hope

Just as grief goes through different stages so I'm realising our responses to this Bug have changed - through the same typical feelings of grief - denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance - each of us at different times and not necessarily in the same order. This is quite normal. From what I've heard from several of you in the past 24 hours it sounds like it's now 'getting to' several of you - it certainly has to me. Aware of our true relationship with our loving God we can acknowledge that we all are in need - and as God always chooses the weak to do his work then actually this is suprisingly a good place to be; as long as you know you have a loving God to turn to - and the Psalms to put that into words. Try Psalm 130: 'Out of the depths I cry to you Lord...I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits...' but do we detect a holding onto a thread of hope - my whole being waits and in his word I put my hope. If in your normal grief at the loss of the freedoms and contact that we were used to, you are angry or depressed I urge you - turn to the Word - find a spot of sunshine, sit with Jesus and the Bible, and hold on to his hand. God loves you still. See how the sun shines all the brighter when we don't get in the way!

Rev Christine

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Mar 27, 2020

Thank you Christine. You've brought to mind words from an old hymn we used to sing many years ago, "Lead, kindly light, amid the encircling gloom, lead thou me on". Let's concentrate on the Light and not on the gloom!

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