Hope Update
This is the very special story of Hope over the last six weeks.
To support Hope in the bulk purchase of food to help those in need you can:
Send a cheque payable to “Hope Nottingham” to Hope House, Boundary Road, Beeston, NG9 2RF
Pay directly to their bank account: Sort Code 20-63-28, Account No. 93940896
Set up a Standing Order via online/telephone banking with the above Sort Code/Account No. or download our standing order formand send it to your bank
GIFT AID – donations direct to Hope Nottingham qualify for Gift Aid if you are a UK taxpayer. Please download the HOPE Gift Aid Declaration Form, check it carefully and send to us at Hope House. We will do the rest. You may wish to visit the HMRC Website for more information on Gift Aid. Or visit the Hope Nottingham giving web site at https://www.hope-nottingham.org.uk/giving/
Thanks to David Phillips for sending this to us.